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Updated 12/2024

#1 Rule is to play with honor and sportsmanship!

Our goal is to make the beginner to the expert feel comfortable on the field.


Three Strike Policy:

If a player is deemed to be unsafe for not following the rules they will receive one verbal Get Out Of Jail Free Warning, after that they will be given a strike and sent home for the weekend. Second strike results in a 6 month ban and a third strike results in a permanent ban. All 3 Strike Players will have their information shared with all fields in Arizona, resulting in a state wide ban. Remember knowing the rules IS the player’s responsibility. If you’re not sure the rules are always available, & any RPG can be asked. All Warnings & 1st Strikes will fall off your record 2 years after given, then 2nd Strikes will downgrade.  However, 3rd Strikes/Permanent Bans will never be removed.


Zero Tolerance: We have a very strict Zero Tolerance Policy when it comes to unsafe or illegal actions. Breaking a Zero Tolerance Rule once will result in the player being immediately & permanently banned from our Arena. It can also result in local law enforcement being called.

Zero Tolerance Rules are:

1. No illegal drugs of any kind.

2. No Alcohol consumption before or during games/events.

3. Theft.

4. No REAL Knives are allowed on the playing fields - excluding staff working that day.


Red Kill/Dead Rag: This is a mandatory required item. A Kill/Dead Rag is any cloth material RED in Color NO smaller than 6-inches by 6-inches in size. Kill/Dead Rags symbolize that a player is not in play and is to be treated as if they are not alive. Once a player is out of play (hit, observing, etc.) they are to immediately secure a Kill/Dead Rag on their person, their gun or hold it up which symbolizes that they are not a target/objective. No Kill/Dead Rag visible means you are not really dead and will be shot. We have basic Kill/Dead Rags available for purchase for $1.00.


Staging Area: The Staging Area is a safe zone. While in the Staging Area players may remove their goggles, rest, perform any needed repairs or address any other issues at hand, etc. Barrel covers are REQUIRED in the Staging Area on ALL Long Guns, bring your own or rent one for $1.00 for the day (with a $3 deposit).  At NO time is firing your airsoft weapon in, at, or out of the Staging Area acceptable. This includes test firing or dry firing, if you need to do so, go to the chrono station.  

1. The fields & the chrono station are the only places Long Guns can have a magazine in.

2. All Long Guns must be cleared of any remaining BB's, have the magazines removed, and Barrel Covers on before entering the staging area from the parking lot, the field or the Chrono Station.

3. Pistols must be holstered or in a gun bag ONLY.

4. All weapons need to have their selector switch in safe mode.

5. If a player shoots in the Staging Area they will receive an immediate strike.


Minimum Engagement Distance (MED) & Bang Bang Rule:

*Pistol is 5 feet                     *AEG is 15 feet (length of an average car)           *Sniper is 50 feet

**Remember we’re not here to hurt each other, just kill each other.**

1. The Minimum Engagement Distances WILL be enforced. You are to only shoot outside MED if you are within that distance YELL out BANG BANG! This only applies when you have the other player dead to rights in your weapon sights.

2. It does NOT count yelling Bang Bang from 20-25 feet away, unless you are playing with a sniper. This is a safety measure and not to be used as a defensive or offensive tactic. Do not abuse the Bang Bang rule, doing so is an immediate strike.

3. If you manage to sneak up on a player or a group of players, have a clear shot and at a distance of 5 feet or less with a pistol or 15 feet or less with a long gun, point your weapon at the opposing player and YELL out BANG-BANG for EACH player you are attempting to kill. If two players yell "Bang Bang" at the same time, both players are out.


Round Per Second Limits:

1. 25 RPS is the Maximum on ALL weapons, which is for Safety Reasons.

2. NO Full Auto is to be used in Tartarus, the speedsoft field.


FPS Limits:

1. Tartarus, the speedsoft field, 350fps limit, Southern Front & Nemesis, the long gun fields, 400fps limit

2. Bolt-Action Sniper Rifles ONLY: 500fps

3. NO non-Bio BB’s are allowed on any field - if you're not sure we can test your BB's

4. NO 8mm Airsoft will be allowed

5. If your gun exceeds the FPS Limit allowed you will not be able to use it, NO EXECPTIONS!


Eye Protection: Goggles must meet the following standards or you will not be able to use them:

1. Full-Seal goggles ONLY. NO EXCEPTIONS. No shooting glasses, shop glasses, etc.

2. A Full Seal consists of a rubber or foam seal that conforms to the features of the player‘s face.

3. Adults (18 and over): Full-face protection is recommended but not required.

4. Minors (17 and under): Full-face protection is required.

5. Full Face Protection is defined as a rigid metal mesh or plastic mask which covers cheeks, chin, nose and mouth.

6. RPG’s reserves the right to inspect eye/face protection at will & ask for photo ID as proof of age.

7. When leaving the fields, Goggles/Face Pro must remain on until passing through The Box.


Weapon/General Safety:

1. DO NOT point an airsoft gun at anything you don‘t intend to shoot.

2. DO NOT discharge an airsoft gun in any location other than On-Field and the Chrono Station.  Shooting in the NON-Designated areas is an immediate strike.

3. Keep your finger OFF the trigger & trigger guard until you are on the field and ready to shoot.

4. Upon entering the field no magazine will be loaded into the airsoft gun until players have cleared The Box.

5. Do not move barriers around the field to create cover and do not climb on any barriers or the straw bales in Straw Hill on Nemesis.

6. Only enter & exit the trenches on Southern Front at the ramps or pallets set as ladders.  DO NOT climb up the sides of the trenches.

7. Do not jump over the trenches in Southern Front and ONLY jump into the trenches in the manner demonstrated by the RPG's.

8. Before leaving the playing field - magazines MUST be removed, weapons cleared (shooting any remaining BBs out of the gun) and placed on safe and barrel covers must be on.

9. If Blind Man is called, stop moving and echo it throughout the field. This puts the game on pause until an RPG can take care of the issue. Do not move during game pause, remain still and wait for an RPG to call the game back on.  Only an RPG can call Blind Man, if there is an injury or  safety issue reach out to one of them.

10. Players are NOT allowed to stage out of their vehicles or brandish any replica in the parking lot. We have a wagon available for transporting your guns and gear into the Staging area. If you stage at your vehicle in the parking lot you will receive a Strike.

11. Flashlights - NO STROBE & max 800 lumens on their highest setting.

12. Lasers - Class IIIa or lower are allowed on the fields, NO EXCEPTIONS!  (See charts at end for details)


​​​​​​​​​​​​Smoke Grenades: Only EG Smoke Grenades are allowed (unless there are fire restrictions). Notify an RPG before the start of a game if you want to use a smoke grenade so they can note your player number.

1. These must be thrown underhand and CANNOT be thrown on the straw or in any brush of any kind.

2. They CANNOT be picked up after they have started smoking to be placed in a new spot.

3. Wait until the smoke has begun to come out of the grenade before tossing it.

4. When using a smoke grenade please pick up the shell. DO NOT leave your trash on the field!

5.  Yellow Micro Smokes count as Mustard Gas on Southern Front only.  On Nemesis yellow will be treated just like any other smoke grenade.


Ballistic Shields:

Any style of ballistic shield is not allowed in Tartarus or Southern Front. They are allowed on Nemesis, though on a field that size they can be more of a liability than an asset. Home-made shields will not be allowed unless approved by Huntress.


Hand Grenades:

1. ONLY impact spring grenades with Bio BB’s in them will be allowed.

2. Grenades must be thrown underhand.

3. All grenades have a 5 foot wrap around kill radius when it lands or goes off at the corner of a barrier, a 10 foot kill radius in the open and a 10 foot directional kill radius in the trenches.

4. If you fumble a grenade and it hits the ground you are dead. Also if you throw it and it hits an object near you within that radius you are dead.

5. The player who threw the grenade is responsible for retrieving it from the field.


Melee Weapons:

1. Must be an actual weapon replica or a Bonker sold in The Pro Shop.

2. Must be soft rubber or foam only.

3. All homemade, non-foam or rubber melee weapons must have approval of Huntress prior to use in a game.

4. No throwing, jabbing, stabbing or swiping, soft contact ONLY.  Unless both players agree to a full contact dual.


Hits – Please observe the follow rules of conduct:

**Hits are defined as any BB strike on your person or gear. Gun hits count also.

**Friendly Fire counts! Check your targets!

**If two players fire simultaneously and both are hit, BOTH players are out, NOT the player who says hit first.

**Ricochets do not count as a hit but when in doubt call yourself out.

**DO NOT call players out on the opposite team. If a player is not calling their hits notify an RPG.

**If you see a player get hit on your team, but he/she doesn‘t feel it, let him/her know.

**Dead men do not talk, give away positions or chat about the weather. Pull your Kill/Dead Rag and observe the re-spawn rules for the game mode.

**Hosing – Unnecessarily long sustained bursts of more than 5 seconds at a time is NOT allowed. Short controlled bursts should be used to allow opponents to call themselves out.

**Only fire through head-sized holes in barriers.

**Blind Fire – Shooting without the ability to see what you are shooting at. The most common form of this is sticking your gun over or around cover and firing without looking at where you are shooting. Blind fire is not allowed.

**Binary Trigger are not allowed in semi-auto only games.


Updated 12/12/2024

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